In my tenure as the Communications Manager at Qatar Foundation International, a global education not-for-profit with a focus on advancing Arabic language and Arab culture education in the Americas, I had the unique and complicated challenge of demonstrating the value of Arabic language education and making it compelling as an area of study to Western audiences. With a firm belief in the power of storytelling to drive change, I conceptualized and created the "I Speak Arabic" advocacy and awareness campaign. I Speak Arabic combined storytelling, educational resources, and digital engagement to motivate potential learners to explore and pursue Arabic language study while challenging stereotypes and broadening the understanding of Arabic language and Arab culture education. Overseeing the art direction, media strategy, and creative approach, I managed and worked with design teams and producers to build a comprehensive digital platform, www.ispeakarabic.com, and develop a set of short mini-documentaries that highlight a ‘day in the life’ of unexpected, non-heritage, Arabic speakers from various walks of life. The final videos shared their inspiring stories and showcased how learning Arabic as a second language provided them with unique opportunities globally and ultimately impacted their lives and careers. Due to the success of the initiative in the US, the foundation is now working on expanding the campaign globally with new content and videos to engage a wider audience.